Didier Eribon (School of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of Amiens, Paris, France).
Didier Eribon
Didier Eribon is professor at the School of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the University of Amiens (France). He has for years been running a seminar at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. He has also been Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley for several years, and at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. He has lectured in a great number of countries and, in the U.S., at The New School, University of Chicago, Harvard University, Yale University, New York University (NYU), theUniversity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, theUniversity of Virginia at Charlottesville, among others. He was one of the speakers at the Conference "Foucault in Berkeley. Twenty Years Later", held in Berkeley October 2004, with Leo Bersani, Judith Butler, Paul Rabinow, Hubert Dreyfus, Michael Lucey, and others. He is the author of several books already considered as "classics", including his Réflexions sur la question gay (trans. in English as Insult and the Making of the Gay Self) in 1999, Une morale du minoritaire in 2001, in 2005, Echapper à la psychanalyse (Escaping Psychoanalysis), D'une revolution conservatrice et de ses effets sur la gauche francaise (2007), and Retour à Reims (2009).
Between 1984 until rencently, Eribon wrote frequently forLe Nouvel Observateur, the famous French weekly magazine in which he reviewed books in the fields of philosophy and social sciences. He currently lives in Paris. He is the recipient of the 2008 Brudner
Antke Engel (Institute for Queer Theory, Hamburg/Berlin, Germany)
Antke Engel is director of the Institute for Queer Theory situated in Hamburg and Berlin. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy at Potsdam University (Germany) in 2001 and held a visiting professorship for Queer Theory at Hamburg University between 2003 and 2005. The focus of her work is on feminist and poststructuralist theory, on conceptualizations of sexuality and desire, and on the critique of representation. In her dissertation Wider die Eindeutigkeit. Sexualität und GeschlechtimFokus queerer Politik der Repräsentation [Against Uniqueness. Sexuality and Gender in the Focus of Queer Politics and Representation] (2002) Engel proposes a strategy of equivocation as a means of queer cultural politics. Apart from extensive teaching experience and public lecturing, Antke Engel has also been engaged as an activist, a cultural worker, and a magazine publisher – believing in the mutual inspiration of theory and politics. Recently she published Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie. QueerekulturellePolitikenimNeoliberalismus, [Images of Sexuality and Economy.Queer Cultural Politics in Neoliberalism] (2009).
Tomasz Sikora (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland)
Tomasz Sikorais Assistant Professor at the English Department of the Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland). In the years 2000-2006 he co- organized, together with Tomasz Basiuk and DominikaFerens, a series of conferences that introduced queer theory into the Polish academic landscape. Three volumes of essays collected some of the work inspired by the conferences: Odmianyodmienca/A Queer Mixture (2002), Parametrypozadania [Parameters of Desire] (2006), and Out Here: Local and International Perspectives in Queer Studies (2006). The collaboration between Sikora, Basiuk and Ferens found continuation in the creation and management of the online journal of queer studies Inter Alia (published in English and Polish), which has run six issues so far. Sikora also publishedVirtually Wild: Wilderness, Technology and the Ecology of Mediation (2003) and co-edited a number of volumes on American and Canadian studies, includingEmbracing Otherness: Canadian Minority Discourses in Transcultural Perspectives (2010) and Towards Critical Multiculturalism: Dialogues Between/Among Canadian Diasporas (2011). His main areas of research and publication include critical and queer theory, interdisciplinary American and Canadian studies, political philosophy, ecocriticism, and gothicism. He is also a part-time blogger, journalist and amateur photographer.